Wellington Chess Club

Tournaments 2019

2019 Fun Dual Rapid

Chess 960 2019

This annual tournament is a two rounds per night rapid. The main tournament is a Chess 960 (aka Fischer Random) tournament. An alternative tournament is held for people who don't like Chess 960.

My apologies for the poor presentation of these results.

Chess 960 Final Standings

    1   Wastney, Scott      2396 5.5
    2   Croad, Nic          2445 5
    3   Dive, Russell       2433 4.5
    4   Ker, Anthony        2475 3
        Winter, Ryan        2100 3
    6   Brockway, Andrew    1841 2.5
        Tanoi, T E          2050 2.5
        Pomeroy, Arthur     2083 2.5
        Jackson, Ross       1955 2.5
    10  Bennett, Sarah      1404 2
        Sellen, Ian         2041 2
    12  Turner, Michael     2133 1.5
    13  Hurndall, Robert    1600 1
        Cooke, Xandi        1360 1
        Sharma, Vaibhav     1200 1
    16  Langford, Josh      1500 0
        Dunlop, Rafe        1400 0

Chess 960 Crosstable

    1.  Ker, Anthony        6:L  10:W  12:W   2:L  4:L  7:W
    2.  Croad, Nic          7:W   5:W   4:D   1:W  3:D  9:W
    3.  Dive, Russell       8:W   4:L  14:W   9:W  2:D 12:W
    4.  Wastney, Scott      9:W   3:W   2:D   6:W  1:W  8:W
    5.  Turner, Michael    10:W   2:L    :L    :D   :L   :L
    6.  Pomeroy, Arthur     1:W   7:L  16:W   4:L   :L   :D
    7.  Sellen, Ian         2:L   6:W   8:L  14:W 12:L  1:L
    8.  Jackson, Ross       3:L   9:D   7:W  12:L 10:W  4:L
    9.  Brockway, Andrew    4:L   8:D  11:W   3:L 11:W  2:L
    10. Bennett, Sarah      5:L   1:L    :D    :D  8:L 11:W
    11. Cooke, Xandi         :     :    9:L  15:W  9:L 10:L
    12. Winter, Ryan         :     :    1:L   8:W  7:W  3:L
    13. Sharma, Vaibhav      :     :   15:W  16:L 14:L   :L
    14. Hurndall, Robert     :     :    3:L   7:L 13:L   :L
    15. Dunlop, Rafe         :     :   13:L  11:L 17:L   :L
    16. Tanoi, T E           :     :    6:L  13:W   :L   :D
    17. Langford, Josh       :     :     :     :  15:L   :L

Alternative Tournament Final Standings

    1   He, Paul             1687 5
    2-7 Benitez, Edgar       2017 4
        Sole, Michael        1897 4
        Laking, Robert       2000 4
        Stone, Andrew        2100 4
        Winfield, Alan       1932 4
        Coghini, Phillip     1900 4
    8   Farrington, Lawrence 1755 3.5
    9   Quayle, Jamie        1500 3
        Darr, Samuel         1522 3
        He, Caleb            1845 3
        Stoeveken, Peter     1853 3
    13  Mullan, Brett        1923 2.5
        Wevers, Alexis       1779 2.5
    15  Ashe, Michael        1550 2
        Ackroyd, William     1300 2
        Cameron, Will        1200 2
        Knecht, Roger        1400 2
    19  Kibblewhite, Daniel  1496 1.5
    20  Osborne, Geoff       1520 1
    21  Carroll, Lewis       1178 0.5

Alternative Tournament Crosstable

    1   He, Paul           13:W  14:W   2:W   3:D  9:W  5:D
    2   Benitez, Edgar      8:W  12:W   1:L   4:W  3:W  6:L
    3   Sole, Michael      10:W  16:W   6:W   1:D  2:L  8:D
    4   Laking, Robert      0:    0:   11:W   2:L 12:W 13:W
    5   Stone, Andrew       0:    0:    8:D  20:W 13:W  1:D
    6   Winfield, Alan      0:D   0:D   3:L  19:W 16:W  2:W
    7   Coghini, Phillip    0:    0:   15:W  13:D  8:D  9:W
    8   Farrington, Lawrence 2:L 20:W   5:D  11:W  7:D  3:D
    9   Quayle, Jamie       0:    0:   12:W  16:W  1:L  7:L
    10  Darr, Samuel        3:L 11:L   17:L   0:W 20:W 16:W
    11  He, Caleb          16:L 10:W    4:L   8:L 17:W 15:W
    12  Stoeveken, Peter   20:W  2:L    9:L  21:W  4:L 14:W
    13  Mullan, Brett       1:L 21:W   19:W   7:D  5:L  4:L
    14  Wevers, Alexis     21:D  1:L    0:D   0:D 15:W 12:L
    15  Ashe, Michael       0:   0:     7:L  17:W 14:L 11:L
    16  Ackroyd, William   11:W  3:L   21:W   9:L  6:L 10:L
    17  Cameron, Will       0:   0:    10:W  15:L 11:L 21:W
    18  Knecht, Roger       0:   0:     0:    0:  21:W 20:W
    19  Kibblewhite, Daniel 0:   0:    13:L   6:L  0:D  0:L
    20  Osborne, Geoff     12:L  8:L    0:W   5:L 10:L 18:L
    21  Carroll, Lewis     14:D 13:L   16:L  12:L 18:L 17:L