Wellington Chess Club

Tournaments 2017

2017 Consolidated Results

Club Champs 2017

Here are the final crosstables. (I should really write a program to sort the results and show them in proper order)

Group A

                       Ker Div Cro Tim Nij Per Nyb For Sel Jac Total
    Ker 2489           x   0   0   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   7
    Dive 2434          1   x   1   1   1   1   1   0   1   1   8
    Croad 2393         1   0   x   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   8
    Timergazi 2158     0   0   0   x   0   1   1   1   0.5 0.5 4
    Nijman 2146        0   0   0   1   x   1   0.5 1   0   1   4.5
    Perry 2124         0   0   0   0   0   x   1   0   1   1   3
    Nyberg 2101        0   0   0   0   0.5 0   x   1   0   0   1.5
    Forster 2093       0   1   0   0   0   1   0   x   0   0.5 2.5
    Sellen 2056        0   0   0   0.5 1   0   1   1   x   0.5 4
    Jackson 2020       0   0   0   0.5 0   0   1   0.5 0.5 x   2.5

Group B

                       Ros Ald Bro Bar Cog Sto Far Che Ben Mul Total
    Rossiter 1978      x   0.5 1   1   0   1   1   1   1   0.5 7
    Aldridge 1936      0.5 x   0.5 1   0   1   1   0.5 0   0   4.5
    Brockway 1899      0   0.5 x   0.5 0   0.5 0.5 0   1   0.5 3.5
    Barraza 1890       0   0   0.5 x   1   0.5 0.5 0.5 0   0   3
    Coghini 1888       1   1   1   0   x   1   0.5 1   0   1d  6.5
    Stoeveken 1849     0   0   0.5 0.5 0   x   0.5 1   0   0   2.5
    Farrington 1838    0   0   0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 x   0   0   0   2
    Chen 1813          0   0.5 1   0.5 0   0   1   x   0.5 1   4.5
    Benitez 1803       0   1   0   1   1   1   1   0.5 x   1   6.5
    Mullan 1792        0.5 1   0.5 1   0d  1   1   0   0   x   5

Group C

                       Day Rab For Str Sol Win Dix Wev Tho Wig Total
    Day 1784           x   0d  0d  0d  1   0   0d  0   1   0   2
    Rabina 1767        1d  x   1d  0.5 0   0   0   0   1   0.5 4
    Forlong-Ford 1738  1d  0d  x   0   1   0   0   0d  1   0   3
    Stracy 1737        1d  0.5 1   x   0   0d  1   0   0   0   3.5
    Sole 1727          0   1   0   1   x   0   1   1   0   1   5
    Winter 1711        1   1   1   0d  1   x   1   0   1   0d  6
    Dixon 1698         1d  1   1   0   0   0   x   0.5 1   0   4.5
    Wevers 1654        1   1   1d  1   0   1   0.5 x   1   1   7.5
    Thorpe 1632        0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0   x   0   2
    Wight 1609         1   0.5 1   1   0   0d  1   0   1   x   5.5

Julian Mazur Memorial 2017 - Results

Final Cross Table

    1  Croad, Nic               2375 7.5   12:1 10:1 16:1  3:= 18:1  6:1  4:1  9:1
    2  Dive, Russell            2426 6.5   28:1 19:1  5:1  7:1  6:0 11:1  0:=  3:1
    3  Ker, Anthony             2474 6     30:1 15:1  9:1  1:=  0:=  7:1  6:1  2:0
    4  Forster, Bill            2094 5.5    0:= 44:1 11:= 10:= 16:1 12:1  1:0 17:1
    5  Sellen, Ian              2079 5.5   49:1 24:1  2:0 34:1  7:0 22:1 16:1  6:=
    6  Timergazi, Layla         2174 5     21:1 14:1  8:= 31:1  2:1  1:0  3:0  5:=
    7  Nyberg, Michael          2032 5     46:1 26:1 13:+  2:0  5:1  3:0  9:0 25:1
    8  Jackson, Ross            2054 5     29:1 32:+  6:= 23:0 10:= 26:1 13:= 11:=
    9  Perry, Roger             2125 5     27:1 20:1  3:0 19:=  0:= 25:1  7:1  1:0
    10 Chen, Wei Kai            1732 5     39:1  1:0 43:1  4:=  8:= 15:1 25:= 13:=
    11 Winter, Ryan             1715 5      0:= 42:1  4:= 15:= 31:1  2:0 30:1  8:=
    12 Sole, Michael            1586 5      1:0 39:1 25:= 24:1 32:1  4:0 31:1 15:=
    13 Aldridge, Alan           1942 5     50:1  0:=  7:- 40:1  0:= 19:1  8:= 10:=
    14 Benitez, Edgar           1750 5     36:1  6:0 47:1 18:0 46:1 16:0 27:1 31:1
    15 Barraza, Jesse           1871 4.5   33:1  3:0 27:1 11:= 30:= 10:0 24:1 12:=
    16 Rossiter, Philip         1945 4.5   37:1 41:1  1:0 48:1  4:0 14:1  5:0 19:=
    17 Thorpe, Richard          1630 4.5    0:= 35:1 23:0 28:=  0:= 34:1 18:1  4:0
    18 Stone, Andrew            2118 4.5   40:0 46:1 21:1 14:1  1:0  0:= 17:0 35:1
    19 Mullan, Brett            1750 4.5   48:1  2:0 37:1  9:=  0:= 13:0 38:1 16:=
    20 Day, Fabian              1726 4.5   38:1  9:0 41:1  0:= 25:0  0:= 26:1 22:=
    21 Wight, Joshua            1629 4.5    6:0 36:1 18:0 38:1 26:0 46:1 37:1  0:=
    22 Farrington, Lawrence     1855 4.5   43:0 37:0 42:1 47:1 48:1  5:0 32:+ 20:=
    23 Wastney, Scott           2391 4.5    0:= 43:1 17:1  8:1  0:=  0:=  0:   0:
    24 Meravanage, Satwik       1524 4     54:+  5:0  0:= 12:0  0:= 42:1 15:0 32:1
    25 Coghini, Phillip         1888 4     42:=  0:= 12:= 45:1 20:1  9:0 10:=  7:0
    26 Hall, Nathan             1063 4     34:1  7:0 30:0 49:1 21:1  8:0 20:0 40:1
    27 Darr, Samuel             1505 4      9:0 51:1 15:0 37:0 49:1 29:1 14:0 42:1
    28 Wevers, Alexis           1641 4      2:0 48:0 33:1 17:= 39:0 44:= 46:1 37:1
    29 Kibblewhite, Daniel      1451 4      8:0 47:0  0:= 51:1  0:= 27:0 48:1 38:1
    30 Dixon, Hamish            1698 3.5    3:0 33:1 26:1  0:= 15:=  0:= 11:0  0:0
    31 Stoeveken, Peter         1863 3.5    0:= 45:1 40:1  6:0 11:0 35:1 12:0 14:0
    32 Forlong-Ford, Colwyn     1739 3.5   47:1  8:-  0:= 35:1 12:0 39:1 22:- 24:0
    33 Zhao, Aiden              1305 3.5   15:0 30:0 28:0  0:=  0:= 41:1  0:= 47:1
    34 Stracy, Don              1731 3.5   26:0 50:1 38:1  5:0 37:1 17:0  0:=  0:0
    35 Konakanchi, Karthik      1499 3.5    0:= 17:0 49:1 32:0 43:1 31:0 47:1 18:0
    36 Leask, Hamish            1300 3.5   14:0 21:0 46:0 50:1  0:0 43:1 45:1  0:=
    37 He, Caleb                1416 3     16:0 22:1 19:0 27:1 34:0 40:1 21:0 28:0
    38 He, Paul                 1051 3     20:0  0:1 34:0 21:0 51:1 45:1 19:0 29:0
    39 Jacobsen-Grocott, Josiah 1200 3     10:0 12:0 50:1  0:= 28:1 32:0 40:0 44:=
    40 Van der Anker, Juan      1501 3     18:1  0:= 31:0 13:0  0:= 37:0 39:1 26:0
    41 Nagrecha, Prashant       899  3      0:1 16:0 20:0  0:= 42:0 33:0 51:1  0:=
    42 Theodosiou, Andreas      1392 3     25:= 11:0 22:0 44:1 41:1 24:0  0:= 27:0
    43 De Briey, Aurian         1300 3     22:1 23:0 10:0 46:0 35:0 36:0 49:1 50:1
    44 Stannard, Bobby          1481 3      0:=  4:0 48:0 42:0 53:1 28:=  0:= 39:=
    45 Bennett, Sarah           1452 3      0:= 31:0 51:1 25:0  0:= 38:0 36:0 48:1
    46 Tagos, Bernardo          1433 2.5    7:0 18:0 36:1 43:1 14:0 21:0 28:0  0:=
    47 Sknar, Andriy            1266 2.5   32:0 29:1 14:0 22:0  0:= 48:1 35:0 33:0
    48 Asher, Bruce             1288 2     19:0 28:1 44:1 16:0 22:0 47:0 29:0 45:0
    49 Proctor, Matthew         1464 2      5:0  0:= 35:0 26:0 27:0  0:= 43:0 51:1
    50 Del Favero, Marcus       1410 2     13:0 34:0 39:0 36:0  0:= 53:1  0:= 43:0
    51 Konakanchi, Pramodh      1129 1.5    0:= 27:0 45:0 29:0 38:0  0:1 41:0 49:0
    52 Brockway, Andrew         1877 1      0:=  0:=  0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0:
    53 Langford, Joshua              .5     0:   0:   0:   0:  44:0 50:0  0:=  0:0
    54 Nijman, Brian            2153 0     24:-  0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0:

Autumn Cup 2017 - Results

Congratulations to the winners;

    A Group - Anthony Ker
    B Group - Michael Nyberg
    C Group - Philip Rossiter
    D Group - Wei Kai Chen and Edgar Benitez
    E Group - Michael Sole
    F Group - Sarah Bennett and Samuel Darr
    G Group - Daniel Kibblewhite and Hamish Leask
    H Group - Bruce Asher and Andriy Sknar

Final Crosstables

A Group

    No	Name					Loc	Total	#1	#2	#3	#4	#5	#6
    1	Ker, Anthony			2474	4.5	*	=	1	1	1	1
    2	Wastney, Scott			2391	3	=	*	=	0	1	1
    3	Croad, Nic				2375	3	0	=	*	=	1	1
    4	Dive, Russell			2426	2.5	0	1	=	*	0	1
    5	Nijman, Brian			2153	1	0	0	0	1	*	0
    6	Perry, Roger			2125	1	0	0	0	0	1	*

B Group

    No	Name					Loc	Total	#1	#2	#3	#4	#5	#6
    1	Nyberg, Michael			2032	4	*	0	1	1	1	1
    2	Pomeroy, Arthur			2075	3.5	1	*	=	=	=	1
    3	Stone, Andrew			2118	2.5	0	=	*	=	1	=
    4	Forster, Bill			2094	2.5	0	=	=	*	=	1
    5	Sellen, Ian				2079	2	0	=	0	=	*	1
    6	Jackson, Ross			2054	.5	0	0	=	0	0	*

C Group

    No	Name					Loc	Total	#1	#2	#3	#4	#5	#6
    1	Rossiter, Philip		1945	3.5	*	=	1	0	1	1
    2	Aldridge, Alan			1942	3	=	*	1	0	=	1
    3	Barraza, Jesse			1871	3	0	0	*	1	1	1
    4	Stoeveken, Peter		1863	2	1	1	0	*	0	0
    5	Brockway, Andrew		1877	2	0	=	0	1	*	=
    6	Farrington, Lawrence	1855	1.5	0	0	0	1	=	*

D Group

    No	Name					Loc	Total	#1	#2	#3	#4	#5	#6
    1	Benitez, Edgar	 				3	*	1	0	0	1	1
    2	Chen, Wei Kai			1732	3	0	*	1	0	1	1
    3	Stracy, Don				1731	2.5	1	0	*	=	=	=
    4	Day, Fabian				1726	2	1	0	=	*	=	0
    5	Winter, Ryan			1715	2	0	0	=	=	*	1
    6	Rabina, Romeo			1771	1.5	0	0	=	1	0	*

E Group

    No	Name					Loc	Total	#1	#2	#3	#4	#5	#6
    1	Sole, Michael	 		1586	4.5	*	1	=	1	1	1
    2	Wevers, Alexis	 		1641	3	0	*	0	1	1	1
    3	Wight, Joshua	 		1629	3	=	1	*	0	=	1
    4	Thorpe, Richard	 		1630	3	0	0	1	*	1	1
    5	Benitez, Ric	 	 			1	0	0	=	0	*	=
    6	Meravanage, Satwik	 	1524	.5	0	0	0	0	=	*

F Group

    No	Name					Loc	Total	#1	#2	#3	#4	#5	#6
    1	Bennett, Sarah			1452	4	*	=	1	=	1	1
    2	Darr, Samuel			1505	4	=	*	1	=	1	1
    3	Van der Anker, Juan		1501	2.5	0	0	*	1	=	1
    4	Stannard, Bobby			1481	2	=	=	0	*	0	1
    5	Proctor, Matthew		1464	1.5	0	0	=	0	*	1
    6	Konakanchi, Karthik		1499	0	0	0	0	0	0	*

G Group

    No	Name					Loc	Total	#1	#2	#3	#4	#5	#6
    1	Kibblewhite, Daniel		1451	4	*	1	0	1	1	1
    2	Leask, Hamish	 				4	0	*	1	1	1	1
    3	Theodosiou, Andreas		1392	3	1	0	*	0	1	1
    4	Tagos, Bernardo			1433	2	0	0	1	*	0	1
    5	He, Caleb				1416	2	0	0	0	1	*	1
    6	Zhao, Aiden				1305	0	0	0	0	0	0	*

H Group

    No	Name					Loc	Total	#1	#2	#3	#4	#5	#6
    1	Asher, Bruce			1288	3.5	*	=	1	1	0	1
    2	Sknar, Andriy			1266	3.5	=	*	0	1	1	1
    3	Jacobsen, Josiah		 		3	0	1	*	0	1	1
    4	Hall, Nathan	 				3	0	0	1	*	1	1
    5	He, Paul				1051	2	1	0	0	0	*	1
    6	Konakanchi, Pramodh		1129	0	0	0	0	0	0	*

Summer Cup 2017 - Results

Cross Table

    No  Name                 Feder Rtg  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8
    1.  Ker, Anthony                   18:W  8:W  4:D 12:W  2:D 14:W 49:W  7:W
    2.  Dive, Russell                  19:W 10:W  5:W  3:W  1:D  4:W  7:W  8:W
    3.  Timergazi, Layla               20:W 11:W 16:W  2:L  4:L 13:W  8:L 49:D
    4.  Croad, Nicholas                22:W 14:W  1:D  5:W  3:W  2:L  6:W 10:W
    5.  Nijman, Brian                  23:W 15:W  2:L  4:L 32:W 17:W 12:D   :D
    6.  Pomeroy, Arthur                25:W   :D 43:W   :D 14:L 18:W  4:L 41:W
    7.  Sellen, Ian                    26:+ 17:W 12:L 18:D 21:W 15:W  2:L  1:L
    8.  Jackson, Ross                  28:W  1:L 27:W 17:W 49:D 10:D  3:W  2:L
    9.  Nyberg, Michael                  :D   :D   :L   :    :    :    :    :
    10. Wilkins, Mark                  29:W  2:L 48:W 41:W 15:D  8:D 16:W  4:L
    11. Aldridge, Alan                 31:W  3:L   :D 48:W 12:D 49:L 23:W 21:W
    12. Rossiter, Philip               32:W   :D  7:W  1:L 11:D 29:W  5:D 14:D
    13. Stoeveken, Peter               35:W   :D   :D   :L 36:W  3:L 33:L 47:W
    14. Brockway, Andrew               37:W  4:L 29:W 42:W  6:W  1:L   :D 12:D
    15. Farrington, Lawrence           38:W  5:L 28:W 44:W 10:D  7:L 41:D 33:D
    16. Stracy, Don                    39:W 21:W  3:L 49:L 33:D 34:W 10:L   :D
    17. Forlong-Ford, Colwyn           40:+  7:L 33:W  8:L 35:W  5:L 25:L   :D
    18. Dixon, Hamish                   1:L 31:W 34:W  7:D   :D  6:L 32:L   :D
    19. Cunningham, Patrick             2:L 29:L 32:L   :D   :D   :L   :L   :L
    20. Sole, Michael                   3:L 35:L 38:W 43:W 41:D 36:W 31:D 32:W
    21. Wevers, Alexis                   :D 16:L 37:W 30:W  7:L 33:D 29:W 11:L
    22. Thorpe, Richard                 4:L 32:W 41:L 33:L   :D 42:W 43:W 36:W
    23. Wight, Joshua                   5:L 45:W 35:D 36:L 44:+   :D 11:L 38:W
    24. Le, Vincent                      :D   :    :    :    :    :    :    :
    25. Rabina, Romeo                   6:L   :D 45:W 35:D 34:D   :D 17:W 31:W
    26. Kibblewhite, Daniel             7:- 39:W 49:L 32:L 38:L   :L 45:L 42:L
    27. Meravanage, Satwik               :D 41:D  8:L   :D 47:W   :L   :L 48:L
    28. van der Anker, Juan             8:L 40:W 15:L 34:L 39:D 45:W 47:L   :D
    29. Konakanchi, Karthik            10:L 19:W 14:L 40:+ 42:W 12:L 21:L 35:D
    30. Bennett, Sarah                   :D 42:L 46:W 21:L   :D 41:L 44:W   :L
    31. Tagos, Bernado                 11:L 18:L 39:W 46:W   :D 43:W 20:D 25:L
    32. Rose, Nathan                   12:L 22:L 19:W 26:W  5:L 35:W 18:W 20:L
    33. Benitez, Edgar                   :D   :D 17:L 22:W 16:D 21:D 13:W 15:D
    34. Benitez, Rick                    :D   :D 18:L 28:W 25:D 16:L   :L 43:L
    35. Theodosiou, Andreas            13:L 20:W 23:D 25:D 17:L 32:L 42:W 29:D
    36. Proctor, Matthew                 :D 43:L 47:W 23:W 13:L 20:L 48:W 22:L
    37. Asher, Bruce                   14:L   :D 21:L 47:L 45:L 46:W 38:L   :D
    38. Leask, Hamish                  15:L   :L 20:L 45:W 26:W 44:L 37:W 23:L
    39. Konakanchi, Promadh            16:L 26:L 31:L 50:W 28:D 47:L   :W 45:L
    40. Kemp, Jonah                    17:- 28:L   :W 29:-   :    :    :    :
    41. Winter, Ryan                     :  27:D 22:W 10:L 20:D 30:W 15:D  6:L
    42. He, Paul                         :  30:W 44:D 14:L 29:L 22:L 35:L 26:W
    43. He, Caleb                        :  36:W  6:L 20:L 48:W 31:L 22:L 34:W
    44. Stannard, Bobby                  :  47:W 42:D 15:L 23:- 38:L 30:L 50:+
    45. Zhao, Aiden                      :  23:L 25:L 38:L 37:W 28:L 26:W 39:W
    46. Zhao, Jeffrey                    :  48:L 30:L 31:L 50:D 37:L   :    :
    47. Darr, Samuel                     :  44:L 36:L 37:W 27:L 39:W 28:W 13:L
    48. Del Favero,                      :  46:W 10:L 11:L 43:L 50:W 36:L 27:W
    49. Day, Fabian                      :    :  26:W 16:W  8:D 11:W  1:L  3:D
    50. Zhou, Ryan                       :    :    :  39:L 46:L 48:L   :L 44:-
    51. Bloor-Wilson, Ethan              :    :    :    :    :    :    :    :

Fischer Random 2017 and Parallel Rapid Tournaments - Final Results

Fischer Random Final Crosstable

    1  Croad, Nic                    2322 5.5   19:W 20:W 14:W  7:W  6:W  2:D
    2  Ker, Anthony                  2379 4.5   11:W  8:W  7:L  3:W  5:W  1:D
    3  Dive, Russell                 2387 4.5   17:W  5:W  4:D  2:L  9:W  7:W
    4  Nijman, Brian                 2117 4.5   16:W  6:W  3:D  5:L 12:W  8:W
    5  Forster, Bill                 2003 4     21:W  3:L 19:W  4:W  2:L 10:W
    6  Day, Fabian                   1551 4     12:W  4:L 10:W 14:W  1:L 11:W
    7  Sellen, Ian                   2016 3.5   15:W  9:W  2:W  1:L  8:D  3:L
    8  Jackson, Ross                 1932 3.5   10:W  2:L 15:W  9:W  7:D  4:L
    9  Wight, Joshua                 1412 3     13:W  7:L 12:W  8:L  3:L 18:W
    10 Kibblewhite, Daniel           1059 3      8:L 11:W  6:L 19:W 16:W  5:L
    11 Wevers, Alexis                1363 3      2:L 10:L 18:W 13:W 20:W  6:L
    12 Leask, Hamish                 1000 3      6:L 16:W  9:L 15:W  4:L 20:W
    13 He, Caleb                     997  3      9:L 15:L 21:W 11:L 19:W 16:W
    14 Van der Anker, Juan           1400 2     18:W 17:W  1:L  6:L  0:L  0:L
    15 Darr, Samuel                  1081 2      7:L 13:W  8:L 12:L 18:L  0:W
    16 Stannard, Bobby               1118 2      4:L 12:L 22:W 18:W 10:L 13:L
    17 Konakanchi, Karthik           1382 2      3:L 14:L  0:L  0:L 22:W 19:W
    18 He, Paul                      971  2     14:L 21:W 11:L 16:L 15:W  9:L
    19 Theodosiou, Andreas           1283 1      1:L 22:W  5:L 10:L 13:L 17:L
    20 Rabina, Romeo                 1600 1     22:W  1:L  0:L  0:L 11:L 12:L
    21 Bennett, Sarah                1061 1      5:L 18:L 13:L 22:W  0:L  0:L
    22 Zhao, Aiden                   1032 0     20:L 19:L 16:L 21:L 17:L  0:L

Parallel Tournament Final Crosstable

    1  Nyberg, Michael                2025 5.5   10:W  9:W  5:W  2:W  4:W  3:D
    2  Winter, Ryan                   1652 4.5   13:W  6:D  4:W  1:L  5:W  7:W
    3  Chen, Wei Kai                  1650 4.5   14:W  5:L 12:W 13:W  6:W  1:D
    4  Rossiter, Philip               1663 4     17:W 11:W  2:L 10:W  1:L  6:W
    5  Stoeveken, Peter               1689 3.5    8:W  3:W  1:L  6:D  2:L 10:W
    6  Farrington, Lawrence           1591 3     18:W  2:D  9:W  5:D  3:L  4:L
    7  Tagos, Bernardo                1547 3     12:L 14:W 10:L 15:W 13:W  2:L
    8  Sole, Michael                  1488 3      5:L 12:W  0:L  0:L 16:W 19:W
    9  Benitez, Edgar                 1600 3     19:W  1:L  6:L 18:W 10:D 11:D
    10 Benitez, Ric                   1500 2.5    1:L 19:W  7:W  4:L  9:D  5:L
    11 Brockway, Andrew               1558 2.5   16:W  4:L  0:L  0:L 17:W  9:D
    12 Daley, Monty                        2      7:W  8:L  3:L 16:W  0:L  0:L
    13 Forlong-Ford, Colwyn           1315 2      2:L 18:W 17:W  3:L  7:L  0:L
    14 Meravanage, Satwik             1267 2      3:L  7:L  0:L  0:L 18:W 16:W
    15 Thorpe, Richard                1500 2      0:L  0:L 16:L  7:L 19:W 18:W
    16 Jacobsen, Josiah               1000 1.5   11:L 17:D 15:W 12:L  8:L 14:L
    17 Del Favero, Marcus             1410 1.5    4:L 16:D 13:L  0:W 11:L  0:L
    18 Asher, Bruce                   1123 1      6:L 13:L  0:W  9:L 14:L 15:L
    19 Konakanchi, Pramodh            1178 0      9:L 10:L  0:L  0:L 15:L  8:L

Rapid Champs 2017 - Final Crosstable

    1  Dive, Russell            2387 9     17:1 24:1  5:1  4:1  3:1  2:=  6:1  8:1 11:1  9:=
    2  Croad, Nic               2322 8.5   25:1 16:1  8:1  3:0  5:1  1:=  7:1  4:1  9:1 11:1
    3  Ker, Anthony             2379 7.5   36:1 12:1  9:1  2:1  1:0  8:1  4:0 10:1  6:1  5:=
    4  Nyberg, Michael          2025 6.5   34:1 14:1 26:1  1:0 13:= 12:1  3:1  2:0  0:=  0:=
    5  Jackson, Ross            1932 6.5   29:1 10:1  1:0 19:1  2:0 28:1  8:0 25:1 18:1  3:=
    6  Sellen, Ian              2016 6.5    0:=  0:= 17:1 11:= 16:1 13:1  1:0 21:1  3:0  8:1
    7  Winter, Ryan             1652 6.5    0:=  0:= 38:1 23:1  8:0 17:1  2:0 14:= 16:1 12:1
    8  Aldridge, Alan           1883 6     33:1 19:1  2:0 28:1  7:1  3:0  5:1  1:0 13:1  6:0
    9  Stone, Andrew            1904 6     38:1 18:1  3:0 16:= 10:1 11:1  0:=  0:=  2:0  1:=
    10 Day, Fabian              1551 6     43:1  5:0 22:= 26:1  9:0 36:1 12:1  3:0 24:= 21:1
    11 Forster, Bill            2003 5.5   32:= 27:1 13:1  6:= 12:=  9:0 18:1 16:1  1:0  2:0
    12 Stoeveken, Peter         1689 5.5   30:1  3:0 25:1 18:1 11:=  4:0 10:0 37:1 14:1  7:0
    13 Benitez, Edgar           1700 5.5   40:1 20:1 11:0 14:1  4:=  6:0 16:0 29:1  8:0 23:1
    14 Brockway, Andrew         1558 5.5   42:1  4:0 20:1 13:0 36:= 22:= 28:1  7:= 12:0 18:1
    15 Barraza, Jesse           1798 5.5   20:0 32:1  0:=  0:=  0:0  0:0 30:1 33:1 23:= 24:1
    16 Chen, Wei Kai            1650 5     31:1  2:0 34:1  9:=  6:0 19:1 13:1 11:0  7:0  0:=
    17 Sole, Michael            1488 5      1:0 41:1  6:0 20:1 26:1  7:0 22:1 18:0  0:=  0:=
    18 Tagos, Bernardo          1542 5     35:1  9:0 29:1 12:0 34:1 23:1 11:0 17:1  5:0 14:0
    19 Thorpe, Richard          1500 5     23:1  8:0 27:1  5:0 29:1 16:0  0:=  0:= 21:0 30:1
    20 Hall, Nathan             1200 5     15:1 13:0 14:0 17:0 30:0 35:1 34:= 22:1 29:= 26:1
    21 Farrington, Lawrence     1591 5     27:0 22:0 32:1 38:1 23:0 31:1 37:1  6:0 19:1 10:0
    22 Jacobsen-Grocott, Josiah 1200 5     37:0 21:1 10:= 24:0 41:1 14:= 17:0 20:0 31:1 29:1
    23 He, Caleb                997  4.5   19:0 33:1 43:1  7:0 21:1 18:0  0:=  0:= 15:= 13:0
    24 Rabina, Romeo            1700 4.5   41:1  1:0 28:0 22:1  0:=  0:= 25:0 36:1 10:= 15:0
    25 Wevers, Alexis           1363 4      2:0 31:1 12:0 41:1  0:=  0:= 24:1  5:0  0:0  0:0
    26 He, Paul                 950  4      0:1 37:1  4:0 10:0 17:0 29:0  0:=  0:= 33:1 20:0
    27 Darr, Samuel             1081 4     21:1 11:0 19:0 34:0  0:=  0:= 38:1 28:1  0:0  0:0
    28 Wight, Joshua            1412 4      0:=  0:= 24:1  8:0 37:1  5:0 14:0 27:0 30:0 38:1
    29 Van der Anker, Juan      1300 4      5:0 42:1 18:0 30:1 19:0 26:1 36:= 13:0 20:= 22:0
    30 Stannard, Bobby          1118 4     12:0 34:0 35:1 29:0 20:1 32:0 15:0 41:1 28:1 19:0
    31 Del Favero, Marcus       1100 4     16:0 25:0 33:1 32:0 35:1 21:0 39:0 38:1 22:0 41:1
    32 Leask, Hamish            1300 4     11:= 15:0 21:0 31:1 38:0 30:1 33:0 34:0 37:1 35:=
    33 Meravanage, Satwik       1217 4      8:0 23:0 31:0  0:= 42:= 41:1 32:1 15:0 26:0 37:1
    34 Forlong-Ford, Colwyn     1315 3.5    4:0 30:1 16:0 27:1 18:0  0:0 20:= 32:1  0:0  0:0
    35 Zhao, Aiden              1032 3.5   18:0 38:0 30:0 42:1 31:0 20:0  0:=  0:= 41:1 32:=
    36 Konakanchi, Karthik      1382 3      3:0 40:1  0:=  0:= 14:= 10:0 29:= 24:0  0:0  0:0
    37 Dixon, Hamish            1724 3     22:1 26:0  0:=  0:= 28:0 38:1 21:0 12:0 32:0 33:0
    38 Theodosiou, Andreas      1283 3      9:0 35:1  7:0 21:0 32:1 37:0 27:0 31:0 42:1 28:0
    39 Benitez, Ric             1500 2.5    0:=  0:=  0:0  0:0  0:0  0:0 31:1 40:=  0:0  0:0
    40 Konakanchi, Pramodh      1178 2     13:0 36:0  0:=  0:=  0:0  0:0 41:= 39:=  0:0  0:0
    41 Asher, Bruce             1123 1.5   24:0 17:0 42:1 25:0 22:0 33:0 40:= 30:0 35:0 31:0
    42 Kibblewhite, Daniel      1059 1     14:0 29:0 41:0 35:0 33:=  0:=  0:0  0:0 38:0  0:0
    43 Sknar, Andriy            1036 .5    10:0  0:= 23:0  0:0  0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0:

Blitz Champs 2017 - Results

Congratulations to Russell Dive for retaining the blitz championship.

    Prelim Group A: Wastey & Ker 9, Sellen 8, Sole 7, Aldridge 6, Forster 5, Frost 4.5, Day 3.5, Jacobsen 1.5, Langford 1, Dixon 0.5
    Prelim Group B: Croad 11, Dive 10, Nyberg 8, Timergazi 7, Farrington 5.5, Wevers Winter Mazur 5, Jackson 4, Forlong-Ford 2.5, van der Anker 2, Lopez 1.
    Final Group: Dive 5, Wastney 4, Croad 3, Ker 2, Nyberg 1, Sellen 0.