Wellington Chess Club

Tournaments 2013

Rapid Teams


    No Name                Avg Rtg  Total  1    2    3    4    5
    1  Crazed Wildebeests  1642     4      5:W  6:W  2:L  3:W  4:W
    2  Divebombers         1677     3      6:W  4:W  1:W  5:L  3:L
    3  Pircateers          1676     3      4:L  5:W  6:W  1:L  2:W
    4  Williams Brothers   1735     2      3:W  2:L  5:W  6:L  1:L
    5  Honeybees           1736     2      1:L  3:L  4:L  2:W  6:W
    6  Vandalizers         1644     1      2:L  1:L  3:L  4:W  5:L

The Playoffs

    1-2 Crazed Wildebeests   defeat   Divebombers  (3.5-1.5)
    3-4 Williams Brothers    defeat   Pircateers   (3.0-2.0)
    5-6 Vandalizers          defeat   Honeybees    (3.0-1.0)

Full Results

    Round 1
    The Pircateers                      The Williams Brothers
    ------------------------            ------------------------
    Anthony Ker         2376   0-1      Joachim Berg-Jensen 2200
    Ross Jackson        1847   1/2-1/2  Bill Forster        1965
    Andrew Brockway     1636   0-1      Alan Aldridge       1817
    Pat Cunningham      1523   0-1      Fabrizio Facchini   1500
    Paul Frost          1846   1-0      Joshua Wight        1193
                        Total  1.5-3.5
    The Divebombers                     The Vandalizers
    ------------------------            ------------------------
    Russell Dive        2370   0-1      Mark van der Hoorn  2132
    Alok Pandey         1900   1-0      Ian Sellen          1975
    Robert List         1627   1-0      Lawrence Farrington 1738
    John Cook           1591   1-0      Andrew Sknar        1403
    Sarah Bennett       900    0-1      Andriy Sknar        976
                        Total  3-2
    Crazed Wildebeests                  The Honeybees
    ------------------------            ------------------------
    Scott Wastney       2306   1-0      Brian Nijman        2074
    Andrew Stone        1903   1/2-1/2  Michael Nyberg      2071
    Jonathon Whittle    1610   0-1      Rama Rao Miriyala   1731
    Imalka Perera       1500   1/2-1/2  Matt Veldhuizen     1512
    Karthik Konakanchi  891    1-0      Andreas Theodosiou  1292
                        Total  3-2
    Round 2
    The Williams Brothers               The Divebombers
    ------------------------            ------------------------
    Joachim Berg-Jensen 2200   0-1      Russell Dive        2370
    Bill Forster        1965   0-1      Alok Pandey         1900
    Alan Aldridge       1817   1-0      Robert List         1627
    Fabrizio Facchini   1500   0-1      John Cook           1591
    Joshua Wight        1193   1-0      Sarah Bennett       900
                        Total  2-3
    The Vandalizers                     Crazed Wildebeests
    ------------------------            ------------------------
    Mark van der Hoorn  2132   0-1      Scott Wastney       2306
    Ian Sellen          1975   0-1      Andrew Stone        1903
    Lawrence Farrington 1738   0-1      Jonathon Whittle    1610
    Andrew Sknar        1403   0-1      Imalka Perera       1500
    Andriy Sknar        976    1/2-1/2  Karthik Konakanchi  891
                        Total  0.5-4.5
    The Honeybees                       The Pircateers
    ------------------------            ------------------------
    Brian Nijman        2074   0-1      Anthony Ker         2376
    Michael Nyberg      2071   1-0      Ross Jackson        1847
    Rama Rao Miriyala   1731   0-1      Andrew Brockway     1636
    Matt Veldhuizen     1512   0-1      Pat Cunningham      1523
    Andreas Theodosiou  1292   0-1      Paul Frost          1846
                        Total  1-4
    Round 3
    The Pircateers                      The Vandalizers
    ------------------------            ------------------------
    Anthony Ker         2376   1-0      Mark van der Hoorn  2132
    Ross Jackson        1847   1-0      Ian Sellen          1975
    Andrew Brockway     1636   1-0      Lawrence Farrington 1738
    Pat Cunningham      1523   1-0      Jonathon Whittle    1610
                        Total  4-0
    The Divebombers                     Crazed Wildebeests
    ------------------------            ------------------------
    Russell Dive        2370   1-0      Scott Wastney       2306
    Alok Pandey         1900   1-0      Imalka Perera       1500
    Sarah Bennett        900   0-1      Karthik Konakanchi   891
                        Total  2-1
    The Honeybees                       The Williams Brothers
    ------------------------            ------------------------
    Brian Nijman        2074   0-1      Joachim Berg-Jensen 2200
    Michael Nyberg      2071   0-1      Rama Rao Miriyala   1731
    Matt Veldhuizen     1512   1-0      Fabrizio Facchini   1500
                        Total  1-2
    Round 4
    Crazed Wildebeests                  The Pircateers
    ------------------------            ------------------------
    Scott Wastney       2306   1-0      Anthony Ker         2376
    Jonathon Whittle    1610   0-1      Ross Jackson        1847
    Imalka Perera       1500   1-0      Andrew Brockway     1636
    Karthik Konakanchi   891   1-0      Pat Cunningham      1523
                        Total  3-1
    The Vandalizers                     The Williams Brothers
    ------------------------            ------------------------
    Mark van der Hoorn  2132   0-1      Joachim Berg-Jensen 2200
    Ian Sellen          1975   1-0      Rama Rao Miriyala   1731
    Lawrence Farrington 1738   1-0      Fabrizio Facchini   1500
                        Total  2-1
    The Divebombers                     The Honeybees
    ------------------------            ------------------------
    Russell Dive        2370   1-0      Brian Nijman        2074
    Alok Pandey         1900   0-1      Michael Nyberg      2071
    Sarah Bennett       900    0-1      Andreas Theodosiou  1292
                        Total  1-2
    Round 5
    The Williams Brothers               Crazed Wildebeests
    ------------------------            ------------------------
    Joachim Berg-Jensen 2200   0-1      Scott Wastney       2306
    Bill Forster        1965   0-1      Andrew Stone        1903
    Alan Aldridge       1817   0-1      Jonathon Whittle    1610
    Taina Walters              0-1      Imalka Perera       1500
    Joshua Wight        1193   0-1      Roshan Wevita
                        Total  0-5
    The Honeybees                       The Vandalizers
    ------------------------            ------------------------
    Brian Nijman        2074   0-1      Mark van der Hoorn  2132
    Michael Nyberg      2071   1-0      Ian Sellen          1975
    Rama Rao Miriyala   1731   1/2-1/2  Lawrence Farrington 1738
    Matt Veldhuizen     1512   1-0      Guirec
    Andreas Theodosiou  1292   1-0      Andrew Sknar         976
                        Total  3.5-1.5
    The Pircateers                      The Divebombers
    ------------------------            ------------------------
    Anthony Ker         2376   0-1      Russell Dive        2370
    Ross Jackson        1847   1/2-1/2  Alok Pandey         1900
    Andrew Brockway     1636   1-0      Robert List         1627
    Pat Cunningham      1523   1-0      John Cook           1591
    Beate Aumeier              1-0      Sarah Bennett        900
                        Total  3.5-1.5
    Crazed Wildebeests                  The Divebombers
    ------------------------            ------------------------
    Scott Wastney       2306   1-0      Russell Dive        2370
    Andrew Stone        1903   0-1      Alok Pandey         1900
    Jonathon Whittle    1610   1-0      Robert List         1627
    Imalka Perera       1500   1/2-1/2  John Cook           1591
    Roshan Wevita              1-0      Sarah Bennett        900
                        Total  3.5-1.5
    The Williams Brothers               The Pircateers
    ------------------------            ------------------------
    Bill Forster        1965   1/2-1/2  Anthony Ker         2376
    Alan Aldridge       1817   1/2-1/2  Ross Jackson        1847
    Al Nicholls                0-1      Andrew Brockway     1636
    Matt Veldhuizen     1512   1-0      Pat Cunningham      1523
    Joshua Wight        1193   1-0      Beate Aumeier
                        Total  3-2
    The Vandalizers                     The Honeybees
    ------------------------            ------------------------
    Mark van der Hoorn  2132   1-0      Brian Nijman        2074
    Guirec              1975   0-1      Michael Nyberg      2071
    Lawrence Farrington 1738   1-0      Rama Rao Miriyala   1731
    Andrew Sknar         976   1-0      Andreas Theodosiou  1292
                        Total  3-1


I took a break from writing reports for this short tournament. Here are a couple of interesting games;

Bill Forster - Anthony Ker

Teams Rapid 2013

1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 g6 4.f4 Bg7 5.Nf3 c5 6.Bb5+ Bd7 7.e5 Ng4 8.e6 Bxb5 9.exf7+ Kf8! Followers of these pages know that people are lining up to batter Anthony's beloved 5...c5 Pirc, and this idea has been previously suggested as a possible refuge for him. I was now on my own having never looked at the move seriously  10.Nxb5 Qa5+ 11.Nc3 cxd4 12.Nxd4 Kxf7 13.O-O Qc5 14.Qxg4 It turns out all this has all been played before. The super grandmaster clash Karjakin-Mamedyarov Amber Rapid 2008 was eventually drawn after 14...Bxd4+ here  14...Qxd4+ 15.Kh1 Na6

Moves are clickable

16.Bd2!? I was feeling like playing just for fun, and I thought this intuitive sacrifice was appropriate for that. Now White develops scary activity if Black captures and significant activity if Black doesn't. Houdini initially hates the sac, but running all night it slowly warms to it, giving Black only a tiny edge (-0.11) by morning.   16...Qxd2 17.f5 Bf6 Black's problem is that the slightest inaccuracy in a position like this can be disastrous. Already after this natural move Houdini prefers white  18.Ne4 Qh6? And now White is winning.  19.Nxf6 gxf5


20.Ng8! Houdini gives me +5 points for this very flashy move, but unfortunately Nd5 is apparently just as good and the obvious Qxf5 even better. The idea of my move is firstly to just move the knight because 1) it was going to be captured on f6, 2) moving it indirectly protects the queen by pinning the f pawn. The square g8 looks ludicrous but 1) it hits the queen, denying black time to defend 2) it can't be captured  20...Qg6 Best (20...Raxg8 21.Qxf5+ Qf6 else mate immediately  22.Qd5+ Ke8 23.Rxf6 exf6 24.Qxd6 is devastating ) (20...Rhxg8 21.Rxf5+ Ke8 22.Qxg8+ wins both rooks ) 21.Rxf5+ Ke8 ( The computer recommends 21...Kg7 22.Rg5 Rhxg8 23.Re1 Rae8 24.Rxg6+ hxg6 at which point white is obviously much better, but keeping up Houdini's +5 evaluation will require some further precise attacking play ) 22.Qa4+! It took me a while to see this very strong move, I now have +11 Houdini points, but only a couple of minutes on the clock!  22...Kd8 23.Rf8+ Kc7 24.Rxa8 Rxg8 25.Rxg8?? The obvious recapture spoils the game (25.Qc4+!! winning another whole rook would have ended the game appropriately! ) 25...Qxg8 26.Qa5+ Of course objectively white is winning easily, but out of time and with my heart racing, I decided to sue for peace.  26...Kc8 27.Re1 Qf7 28.Qc3+ Nc7 29.Qf3 Qg7 30.Qg3 Qf7 31.Qf3 Qg7 32.Qg3 1/2-1/2

Scott Wastney - Anthony Ker

Teams Rapid 2013

Notes mostly by Scott Wastney.  1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 g6 4.f4 Bg7 5.Nf3 c5 6.dxc5 Qa5 7.Qd4 O-O 8.cxd6 Nxe4 9.Qxe4 Bxc3+ Bill: In the summer cup, round 2, Ross Jackson got this position against Anthony but didn't realise it was okay to let the rook go.  10.bxc3 Qxc3+ 11.Kf2 Qxa1 12.dxe7 Re8 13.Bc4 Qf6 14.Ba3 Bf5 15.Qd4 Qxd4+ In a previous game Anthony played 15...Nd7 against me.   16.Nxd4 Nc6 17.Nxf5 gxf5 18.Rd1 Rac8 19.Bb3 b5 20.Rd3

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With a mate threat by Rg3+ followed by Bb2+   20...Nxe7 21.Rd7 a5 (21...Kf8 22.Rxa7 leaves black completely tied up, so Anthony takes his chances with a piece sacrifice.  ) 22.Bxe7 a4 23.Bd5 Rxc2+ 24.Ke3 b4 25.Kd3 b3 26.axb3 axb3 27.Bxb3 Rxg2


Bill: Black hopes to draw by liquidating all the pawns, but White shows that even though its an endgame, his material advantage can force a win by direct attack rather than the cliched method of supporting pawn promotion  28.Bd6 Re6 29.Bxe6 fxe6 30.Kd4 Rxh2 31.Ke5 Rh6 32.Be7 Rg6 33.Bf6 h5 34.Kxe6 Rg4 35.Rd8+ Kh7 36.Kxf5 Rg8 37.Rd7+ (37.Rd7+ Kh6 38.Bg5+ Rxg5+ 39.fxg5# ) 1-0