Wellington Chess Club

Tournaments 2012

Rapid Teams

This tournament was a good innovation and a lot of fun I think. We almost managed two 7 board matches every round, and the teams were reasonably stable and coherent. The winning Capablancans put up the same seven players in each of the six rounds, and the second place Karpovians did almost as well. Perhaps consistency is the key to success ?

Full results below. Credit in particular to Scott Wastney for stellar play and 4/5 (not counting a win by default) on board 1. Also to Anthony Ker for getting into the spirit of things and abandoning his normal repertoire to play Karpovian openings instead. Some great results on the lower boards from Irek and Layla Timergazi, Paul Frost (5.5 out of 6!) and Ken Heaton (5 out of 5! [not counting a win by default]). Thanks to Ian for taking on a trickier than usual organisational job and for sacrificing his own enjoyment by making himself a super-sub only.

I reconstructed most of my games (perhaps slightly less than 100% accurately in all cases) for Ian's blog. It's not too late for you to do the same, email your game(s) to Ian and no doubt he will publish them.

Actually for the record it is amusing to note that the decisive part of my two remaining games comprised only 6 moves in one case and 1 move (?!) in the other. Against Ross (black), my game went 1.Nf3 d5 2.c4 d4 3.b4 Nf6 4.e3 e5? 5.Nxe5 {hoping for} Bxb4?? 6.Qa4+! {winning a piece} 1-0 {eventually}. Against Ian (white) my game went 1.c4 2.b5?? 1-0 {quite quickly}. I think I can confidently claim that my insane attempt to invent a new opening (The accelerated Benko gambit perhaps?) on the spur of the moment, at the board, gave me a completely lost position after one move. Ian confidently dispatched me, demonstrating that white has the pawn and the compensation. In general I enjoyed the rapid time limit, it made it possible to just play, without overthinking things. But this last game was an exception to this enjoyment principle for me if not for Ian!

             Total  Capablancans Karpovians   Alekhinians  Fischerians
Capablancans 5.5    x   x        1   1        0.5 1        1   1
Karpovians   4      0   0        x   x        1   1        1   1
Alekhinians  2.5    0.5 0        0   0        x   x        1   1
Fischerians  0      0   0        0   0        0   0        x   x

Round 6

Alekhinians            v    Capablancans
Russell Dive          0-1   Scott Wastney
Michael Nyberg        0-1   Bill Forster
Mike Roberts        1/2-1/2 Alan Aldridge
John Cook             0-1   Jonathon Whittle
John Marney           0-1   Hamish Shierlaw
Matt Veldhuizen       0-1   Dylan Frater
Andreas Theodosiou    0-1   Ken Heaton
Total              0.5 - 6.5

Karpovians             v    Fischerians
Anthony Ker           1-0   Ian Sellen
Ross Jackson          0-1   Marany Meyer
Lawrence Farrington   0-1   Alan Ang
Andrew Brockway       1-0   Peter Stoeveken
Layla Timergazi       1-0   Gordon Anderson
Paul Frost            1-0   John Gillespie
Irek Timergazi        1-0   Harry Pham
Total                5 - 2

Round 5

Fischerians            v    Capablancans
Brian Nijman          0-1   (default) Scott Wastney
Marany Meyer          0-1   Bill Forster
Alan Ang            1/2-1/2 Alan Aldridge
Peter Stoeveken       1-0   Jonathon Whittle
Gordon Anderson     1/2-1/2 Hamish Shierlaw
John Gillespie        1-0   Dylan Frater
Harry Pham            0-1   Ken Heaton
Total                3 - 4

Karpovians             v    Alekhinians
Anthony Ker           1-0   Russell Dive
Ross Jackson          0-1   Michael Nyberg
Lawrence Farrington   0-1   Marany Flack
Andrew Brockway       0-1   John Cook
Layla Timergazi       1-0   John Marney
Paul Frost            1-0   Matt Veldhuizen
Irek Timergazi        1-0   Andreas Theodosiou
Total                4 - 3

Round 4

Capablancans           v    Fischerians
Scott Wastney         1-0   Brian Nijman
Bill Forster        1/2-1/2 Ian Sellen
Alan Aldridge         1-0   Michael Hewson
Jonathon Whittle      0-1   Peter Stoeveken
Hamish Shierlaw       0-1   Gordon Anderson
Dylan Frater          1-0   John Gillespie
Ken Heaton            1-0   Brian Luo
Total              4.5 - 2.5

Alekhinians            v    Karpovians
Russell Dive          1-0   Anthony Ker
Michael Nyberg        0-1   Ross Jackson
Marany Flack          0-1   Lawrence Farrington
John Cook             0-1   Andrew Brockway
John Marney           0-1   Layla Timergazi
Matt Veldhuizen     1/2-1/2 Paul Frost
Andreas Theodosiou    0-1   Irek Timergazi
Total              1.5 - 5.5

Round 3

Karpovians             v    Capablancans
Anthony Ker           0-1   Scott Wastney
Ross Jackson          0-1   Bill Forster
Lawrence Farrington 1/2-1/2 Alan Aldridge
Andrew Brockway       1-0   Jonathon Whittle
Layla Timergazi       0-1   Hamish Shierlaw
Paul Frost            1-0   Dylan Frater
                      0-1   Ken Heaton  (default)
Total              2.5 - 4.5

Fischerians            v    Alekhinians
Brian Nijman          0-1   Russell Dive
Ian Sellen            0-1   Michael Nyberg
Michael Hewson        0-1   Marany Flack
Peter Stoeveken       0-1   John Cook
Gordon Anderson       1-0   John Marney
John Gillespie        0-1   Matt Veldhuizen
Brian Luo             0-1   Andreas Theodosiou
Total                1 - 6

Round 2

Fischerians            v    Karpovians
Brian Nijman          0-1   Anthony Ker
Andrew Stone          0-1   Ross Jackson
Michael Hewson        0-1   Lawrence Farrington
Peter Stoeveken       0-1   Andrew Brockway
John Gillespie      1/2-1/2 Layla Timergazi
Brian Luo             0-1   Paul Frost
Gordon Anderson       1-0   Bryce Ranson
Total              1.5 - 5.5

Capablancans           v    Alekhinians
Scott Wastney         0-1   Russell Dive
Bill Forster          0-1   Ian Sellen
Alan Aldridge       1/2-1/2 Mike Roberts
Jonathon Whittle      1-0   John Cook
Hamish Shierlaw       1-0   John Marney
Dylan Frater          0-1   Matt Veldhuizen
Ken Heaton            1-0   Andreas Theodosiou
Total              3.5 - 3.5

Round 1

Capablancans           v    Karpovians
Scott Wastney         1-0   Anthony Ker
Bill Forster        1/2-1/2 Ross Jackson
Alan Aldridge       1/2-1/2 Lawrence Farrington
Jonathon Whittle      1-0   Andrew Brockway
Hamish Shierlaw       0-1   Layla Timergazi
Dylan Frater          0-1   Paul Frost
Ken Heaton            1-0   Bryce Ranson
Total                4 - 3

Alekhinians v Fischerians Russell Dive 1-0 Brian Nijman Ian Sellen 0-1 Andrew Stone Mike Roberts 1-0 Michael Hewson John Cook 1-0 Peter Stoeveken John Marney 0-1 John Gillespie Matt Veldhuizen 1-0 Brian Luo Andreas Theodosiou 0-1 Gordon Anderson Total 4 - 3